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Sri Nityananda Trayodashi is the auspicious appearance day of Lord Nityananda, the eternal associate of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
In the age of Kaliyuga, Lord Krishna appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to establish the Harinam Sankirtan Movement, which is the yuga dharma of this age. To assist Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in His mission of spreading the Holy Name, Lord Balarama appeared as Lord Nityananda.

Being the Lord’s active principle in both creation and lila. He is known to be the second body of the Lord, manifesting as Balaram to Shri Krishna, Lakshman to Shri Ram and Nityananda Prabhu to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. All other forms and expansions of the Lord emanate from this second body. Nityananda Prabhu is thus the source of Sankarshan, all the Vishu’s, and Ananta Shesha. As Vishnu tattva He and Advaita Acharya are worshipped in the same category as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. In the manifested earthly lila, Nityananda Prabhu is senior to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu by more than a decade. Nityananda Prabhu appeared in the village of Ekachakra, in West Bengal, India, around 1474. In the Caitanya Caritamrita and other scriptures, He is declared to be the avatar of Lord Balarama, the direct expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna.
We want to use this opportunity to warmly invite you for this year Nityananda Trayodasi celebration which falls on the 22nd of February 2024. This year everything is just extra, spontaneous, and ecstatic and we can tell from the magnitude of devotees, pilgrims, and guests that visited during the holidays and the more that will be visiting from now down to Gaura Purnima. Therefore, we hope you will join us in serving Lord Nityananda Prabhu with your time, energy, and donations this year and help us make it a very memorable celebration as we seek for the mercy of our dear Nityananda Prabhu while in celebration.
“My dear Lord Nityananda, You are always joyful in spiritual bliss. Since You always appear very happy, I have come to You because I am most unhappy. If You kindly put Your glance over me, I may also become happy.” May Lord Nityananda give us pure bliss so we can relish the pure love that comes from our bhakti and offerings to Him on His auspicious appearance day!
Please find the details below for various seva that you can participate and contribute generously towards the celebration of Sri Nityanada Trayodasi.
Program Schedule
Sri Nityananda Trayodashi Mahotsav
Thursday, 22nd February, 2024
3:00 pm
Harinam Sankirtan
6:00 pm
Sandhya Arati
6:30 pm
Special Puja & Maha Abhishek
7:30 pm
Lord Nityananda Lila Katha
8:15 pm
Drama by ISKCON Youth Forum students.
…followed by Prasadam.
Seva Opportunities
Contact Us
Kasturba Ashram Rd, South Sarania, Ulubari, Guwahati, Assam 781007